
Showing posts from March, 2021

EOTO #2 Blog Post

  Links:   In 1890, the Sherman AntiTrust Act was passed in order to reduce economic competitions and to help cut back on combinations of power that would interfere with trade. The Act was named after U.S. senator John Sherman of Ohio, who came up with and proposed the act to congress in 1890. The Sherman AntiTrust Act was the first attempt by the United States congress to address the use of trusts as a tool that helps a certain number of individuals to control unquestionable key industries. The main reason why Antitrust laws like this one exist is to  promote competition among sellers, limit monopolies and give consumers options. There are two main provisions which help make up the heart of the Sherman Act. The first provision outlaws all combinations that restrain trade between states or with foreign nations. Not only did the disallowing apply to formal cartels,