
Multimedia Story - Social Media's Impact on Mental Health

Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health   By Jack Neary  Q News Today, about 4.6 billion people or 59% of the worlds population uses social media, with that number expected to only increase. With many different platforms such as facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube there are many different ways for people to get engaged within the world of social media. Being engaged can have a positive and/or negative impact on the people who use those platforms whether they know it or not.    For many, including Karissa Fryar, a sophomore at High Point University, social media is a way to communicate with and/or create content for other people, friends and family. Also, social media is used by 20% of Americans as for them to receive news on events happening in the USA and the world. These factors among others are why billions of people use social media every single day.    For others like HPU sophomore Eric Ellner, social media can be distracting, addicting and detrimental to one’s mental health a

Multimedia Story 'Situational Depression'

 5 Red Flags You're Dealing With 'Situational' Depression Experts explain how to recognize symptoms and cope with this adjustment disorder. By Caroline Bologna Depression is not a one-size-fits-all experience. For many, it persists for a long time or feels as though it’s constantly recurring. For others, it may only arise under specific circumstances and for a short duration. This latter condition is what many call “ situational depression .” “Situational depression is a depressive experience that is triggered by a traumatic event or a change in a person’s life, such as job loss, the death of a loved one or an unstable work environment,” said   Greg Kushnick, a licensed psychologist in New York. “It is usually considered to be a normal reaction to a major life change or trauma.” He noted that a depressive reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic can be labeled “situational,” depending on the severity of symptoms, when they started and how long they persist. What Exactly is "S

My Relationship with Technology

       Now more than ever I am using online media every day whether it is for getting my news, doing my assigned work for classes, checking social media and so much more. I would say that my online footprint is pretty large, considering that I am always going on websites whether it's on my phone or computer to watch videos/movies or do work for school. I would say for myself that overall my relationship with technology for the most part is healthy, however it is nowhere near being 100% healthy. In my opinion, I believe that technology is taking up too much time in my life and I feel that I should limit my time that I use it. I think that technology informs us and makes us smarter more than it does misleading/giving us unreliable information. Even though most of the information given out online is credible and true, you have to watch for information that is unreliable and false which is given out more times than you think. This is why I believe that it is very important for people t

Blog #12 "Five Eyes"

     While listening to other teams present their second EOTO’s, there was one term/concept in particular that really caught my interest and that was the concept of five eyes. This was my first time ever hearing about FVEY and while listening to the presentation on it, I learned that it is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Also, I found out through the presentation that these countries all have an agreement together for joint cooperation in signals intelligence, military intelligence, and human intelligence which means that they spy on one another's countries citizens without them even knowing that it is happening. Considering that this was my first time hearing about the concept of five eyes it shocked me to learn while listening to the presentation that this agreement has been around since 1941. It was interesting to me that originally the main purpose of this alliance was actually to monitor the former S

EOTO #2 Blog Post

  Links:   In 1890, the Sherman AntiTrust Act was passed in order to reduce economic competitions and to help cut back on combinations of power that would interfere with trade. The Act was named after U.S. senator John Sherman of Ohio, who came up with and proposed the act to congress in 1890. The Sherman AntiTrust Act was the first attempt by the United States congress to address the use of trusts as a tool that helps a certain number of individuals to control unquestionable key industries. The main reason why Antitrust laws like this one exist is to  promote competition among sellers, limit monopolies and give consumers options. There are two main provisions which help make up the heart of the Sherman Act. The first provision outlaws all combinations that restrain trade between states or with foreign nations. Not only did the disallowing apply to formal cartels,

Ted Talk Blog Post

 Link:      After watching Christopher Soghoian deliver his Ted Talk in Vancouver, BC in 2015 about “How to avoid surveillance… with the phone in your pocket” I was stunned by what he was talking about in the video. The first thing that really caught my attention was when he said that “our telephones and the networks that carry our calls were wired for surveillance first”. When I heard this I immediately began to try and think about all of the conversation that I have ever had with anyone and what I was talking to them about. If this is truly the case and I would be very surprised if it was not then complete strangers could not only listen into my calls but everyone else's calls as well. He also explains “telephone companies built surveillance features into the very core of their networks'' which if you ask me is very disturbing and creepy to say the least. One interestin

What I learned/found interesting from the my peers technology presentations

  Listening to each and every presentation about all the different types of technology that have been invented by humans throughout history, I heard a lot of interesting facts as well as many new ones which intrigued me. I found it pretty cool that the invention of the technologies discussed during the presentations ranged all the way from the BC era until the mid to late 2000s. While I enjoyed hearing about all of the different technologies' history and evolution, I was very intrigued by one technology in particular the Short messaging service (SMS) texting. The SMS texting intrigued me the most because it was my first time ever hearing about this type of technology. I found it very interesting to me that with the Short messaging service texting was first developed in 1984 but the first text was actually sent in 1992. It also surprised me to learn that the SMS texting let you only send messages to others that were a maximum of 160 characters in length. Another interesting thing th