What I learned/found interesting from the my peers technology presentations

 Listening to each and every presentation about all the different types of technology that have been invented by humans throughout history, I heard a lot of interesting facts as well as many new ones which intrigued me. I found it pretty cool that the invention of the technologies discussed during the presentations ranged all the way from the BC era until the mid to late 2000s. While I enjoyed hearing about all of the different technologies' history and evolution, I was very intrigued by one technology in particular the Short messaging service (SMS) texting. The SMS texting intrigued me the most because it was my first time ever hearing about this type of technology. I found it very interesting to me that with the Short messaging service texting was first developed in 1984 but the first text was actually sent in 1992. It also surprised me to learn that the SMS texting let you only send messages to others that were a maximum of 160 characters in length. Another interesting thing that I learned from the presentations was how youtube was created. The idea of youtube came to be when one of its founders Karim Chen was unable to find video clips of the 2004 super bowl incident where Janet Jackson’s breast was exposed during her halftime performance as well as of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Also through listening to the presentations I learned that the first motion picture film ever was called “Roundhay Garden Scene” in 1888. This was by far the most surprising thing that I learned throughout the entirety of the presentations because I surely thought that the first motion picture film would have been made and premiered after the invention of the television. It makes me wonder how they were even able to both film and premiere that movie if there was no radio, camera or television even available. Seeing how throughout the course of history how far we have come in the evolution of technology, I am both excited and nervous as to what the future holds for the next generation of technologies that are created and used in our daily lives.


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