Facebook Frontline Documentary


I was very intrigued by the PBS frontline documentary “The Facebook Dilemma” because they talked about the history as well as the controversy of Facebook. Also, I learned a lot of new things from watching this documentary about facebook that I did not know. One new thing which I learned from the documentary, was that college students were the only intended users of Facebook from the start. Another thing that was entirely new to me was Facebook's early motto which was “move fast and break things” which I now think is pretty ironic considering all of the controversy that has been associated with facebook. I found it very interesting that Mark Zuckerberg's main drive behind the creation of Facebook was that he wanted to be able to connect the entire world together which he succeeded in doing albeit with a lot of controversy along the way. The events that happened in Cairo, Egypt in 2011, were the first time where people witnessed the true power that Facebook had on others. During this time, government officials of countries had serious concern about people having the ability to spread rumors that are untrue using Facebook, however Zuckerberg did not see this as a problem. After hearing about how Facebook had several relationships with data broker companies which went out to get your personal information I was disgusted and sickened by what I was hearing. When Kara Swisher interviewed Mark Zuckerberg about the privacy issues with Facebook he was incredibly nervous when talking about these issues with her. Throughout the interview he was sweating profusely which could even be seen dripping down his face live on camera when he tried to answer the questions Swisher was asking. To me seeing him sweating that bad during the interview made me realize that Zuckerberg knows that he is getting people's privacy without them knowing and he is now getting exposed for it. This documentary makes me wonder if other major companies such as amazon and twitter to name a few and I would not be surprised at all if it was the case.


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