The Progressive Era Blog #4

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    This was my first time ever exploring as well as hearing about the two websites  ANTIWAR.COM and American Conservative. I believe that one of the many reasons why I have never heard about these websites ever before is due to the graphic stories and news that are displayed on their websites. Another reason why I have never in my entire life heard about sites like these is because they oppose the unchecked powers of our government and business. I think that the writers on these sites who all have strong antiwar views are NEVER talked about in mainstream news because they talk about bad/corrupt events that happen within our government and around the world. It seems to me that the mainstream news does not want to talk about these people/sites because they do not want to talk about events or news that make our country look bad whether they are true or false. By not reporting this type of news it prevents the media outlet from being censored by the government even though they would be protected by the First-Amendment. Also, by not mentioning these stories on mainstream media it prevents people from hearing and understanding other people's true views and opinions on the United States of America across the world. These sources also talk about very controversial news topics that deal with our government including one article from that explains why “Joe Biden Should Break Ranks and Stop the New Cold War With Russia”. I think that the reason why you have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices is thanks to the government and their authority censor anything that deem as unconstitutional in their view. Also, their posting of graphic and controversial content, makes it harder to find these stories/writers in the mainstream media due to their strong antiwar views.



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