The Founding Era & the Idea of America


    After watching the video, I learned that since its very first session on February 1st, 1970 more than 100 justices have served on the U.S. supreme court with each serving an average of 16 years. While I knew that justices are appointed for life, I did not know that the constitution does not state this explicitly, instead stating that justices “shall hold their offices during good behavior”. I was surprised that throughout the history of the supreme court only Samuel Chase in 1805 was the only justice to ever get impeached. While I know that once a justice dies or retires from their position that the President of the United States has the power to nominate a person to replace them with, it surprised me to learn while watching the video that the constitution does not specify any qualifications for the nominee as well as they have to submit a detailed questionnaire. Another thing that I learned while watching this video is that the committee does not actually vote to confirm the nominee instead they send a nomination to the full senate. One final thing that I learned while watching the video is that in the history of the court only five nominees have received no vote at all with the most recent one being Merrick Garland in 2016. After watching this video, I was left with the impression about the Supreme Court that pretty much anyone could theoretically become a justice. I think that this is done so that way ordinary citizens can help prevent our government from becoming too powerful as well as make sure that the average American is having their voice heard by someone with high authority in our government. Being a justice in the U.S. Supreme Court must be one of the most gratifying jobs because they are helping to protect our citizens rights, liberties and freedoms which make the United States of America so great.


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