Blog Post #7 - Innovation Technology


    On September 7, 1927 at his home in San Francisco, CA, Philo Taylor Farnsworth became the first person to ever successfully demonstrate an Electronic Television. Ever since that day televisions exploded in popularity with more than 1.7 billion households worldwide having a TV in 2019-2020, with over 120 million of those households being in the United States alone. The television caught on because it provided people with a different/new way for people to get updated on the latest news that was going on in the world as well as being entertained through watching shows or sporting events. Also, with the invention of the television people were able to watch live broadcasts of breaking news, sporting events and shows all from the comforts of their own homes. Throughout the early years of the television, many people did not own a television set in their homes because they were very expensive and were seen as a luxury for the rich. However, the television really did not take off until multiple different versions of it became available to sell to the public which resulted in television prices dropping to more affordable rates. I think that some people become late adopters to the television because they were not able to afford a television set as well as many people felt that the radio could do just as good a job as the television could do at broadcasting new and entertainment so they really so no need to buy one. The downside/negative effects of using a technology like the television especially today, is that most people who watch their favorite shows on streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu and DisneyPlus typically deal with Binge-Watching. Binge-Watching is when you watch multiple episodes of the same television show in one sitting which could lead to you staring at a television screen for hours on end without getting up and exercising or doing something else. Other than this there are no other major negative impacts of the television, so I would say that the positive impacts certainly outweigh the negative impacts.


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