Blog #12 "Five Eyes"

    While listening to other teams present their second EOTO’s, there was one term/concept in particular that really caught my interest and that was the concept of five eyes. This was my first time ever hearing about FVEY and while listening to the presentation on it, I learned that it is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Also, I found out through the presentation that these countries all have an agreement together for joint cooperation in signals intelligence, military intelligence, and human intelligence which means that they spy on one another's countries citizens without them even knowing that it is happening. Considering that this was my first time hearing about the concept of five eyes it shocked me to learn while listening to the presentation that this agreement has been around since 1941. It was interesting to me that originally the main purpose of this alliance was actually to monitor the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc. However, the most surprising event that I learned about through this presentation was the whole Edward Snowden incident that is still going on to this day. In 2013, Edward Snowden who was the former NSA contractor leaked documents that revealed that the FVEY has been spying on each other citizens as well as sharing collected information with one another in order to get around restrictive domestic regulations pertaining to the surveillance of citizens. What this means is that these countries are breaking their own laws that they created on the privacy of its citizens without them even knowing about it. As for Edward Snowden, he is hiding in Russia all because exposed the truth about the illegal activities that these countries were doing and are too scared/embarrassed to confess the truth. After learning about the FVEY or five eyes, it made me wonder if other countries have alliances with each other where they watch over each others citizens or even worse they spy on other countries citizens such as the United States of America and if so then we would no way of knowing when or what they are watching/recording about us.


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