The First Amendment and the Six Clauses or Freedoms current news item


The news stories that I chose to use in this post was “Fauci backs CDC research on reopening schools dismissed by Biden chief of staff” The first amendment condones that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof, the freedom of speech as well as of the press, the right to peaceably assemble and to petition. However, the first amendment does not condone including threatening the President of the United States, obscenity, speech that violates intellectual property law, and many more. In this news story you can relate three of the six clauses, or freedoms which include speech, press and the right to peaceably assemble. Freedom of speech relates to this story about  Dr. Anthony Fauci backing the CDC’s research on reopening schools because under the first amendment, he has the right to express his opinion without being censored or restrained. The fourth clause, or freedom which is press also relates to this story because Fox news has the right to report news without the government censoring it as well as using other media sources information thanks to the first amendment. The last clause which is relatable is the right to peaceably assemble because Dr. Fauci is able to be interviewed by news stations such as MSNBC and freely express his opinions and thoughts about the CDC research and be able to have the right to defend his stance. The idea that the Freedom of the press is a “fundamental personal right” not an institutional one relates to this news story that I found because it gives everyone the right to report news whether it’s Fox, MSNBC or whoever without the government having the authority to censor your story that you created as well as yourself.


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