Eight Values of Free Expression

 Link: https://www.history.com/topics/united-states-constitution/first-amendment



While each and every value of free expression is very important to us as Americans in their own unique way, I believe that the most important values to us Americans include Individual Self-Fulfillment, Participation in Self-Government and Check on Government Power. In my opinion, Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most important value of free expression because the first amendment which can be found in The Constitution protects every Americans right of freedom of speech. When I think of what it is like being an American citizen, the first thing that always comes to mind is our freedoms and liberty that The Constitution provides each and every citizen. We sometimes tend to forget just how lucky and fortunate we are to be living in a country that protects each and everyone of its citizens' right to freedom of speech as well as our human liberties. In other countries such as North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba just to name a few, the idea of these regimes/governments providing their citizens with freedom of speech will never happen as long as they are in charge. Also, if the regimes of these countries hear about someone who is speaking out with different ideas or views than the government, they will face very serious punishments which more than likely result in death. While I believe that Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most important value to us Americans, Participation in Self-Government is not too far behind it as an important value to us Americans. Participation in Self-Government provides the average American with the power to vote for a candidate that they feel will be the best one for the job whether it is at the local, state or federal government level. Also, if people are unsure which candidate they want to vote for then there are debates where the candidates are asked a bunch of questions that pertain to current issues that are happening in the country as well as how the average American citizen will benefit by electing them to office. As mentioned previously above, other countries like North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba the idea of Participation in Self-Government is an absurd concept that will never happen/take place in their countries. Citizens in these countries have no say in who they want running their country as well as how they want it to be run. Since the leaders of these countries stay in power until their death, citizens have to deal with the same people in power for pretty much their entire lives, whereas in the U.S. a president can only stay in power for two terms or eight years. Finally, the last but certainly not least value to us Americans is the Check on Government Power. Throughout our country's history of having a President there have been many times where a President has abused their power including Watergate, Clintongate, Irongate and many other “gates”. The value of Check on Government Powers does not only apply to the federal government but to the state and local governments as well. Having the right to freedom of the press helps to allow citizens to understand the abuse of power that is going on and what steps should be taken next to deal with it. In our country we can deal with these abuses of power by filing for articles of impeachment against either the President, Vice President and all civil officers. Governors and Mayors as well as people who hold positions of power in politics can be removed by their citizens if they are found to have abused their political power. Even though the three values that I have talked about above are the most important in my opinion, if any one of the eight values were any different, then our country would be run completely different from how it is today thanks in part to the eight values of free expression.


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