
Showing posts from February, 2021

Ted Talk Blog Post

 Link:      After watching Christopher Soghoian deliver his Ted Talk in Vancouver, BC in 2015 about “How to avoid surveillance… with the phone in your pocket” I was stunned by what he was talking about in the video. The first thing that really caught my attention was when he said that “our telephones and the networks that carry our calls were wired for surveillance first”. When I heard this I immediately began to try and think about all of the conversation that I have ever had with anyone and what I was talking to them about. If this is truly the case and I would be very surprised if it was not then complete strangers could not only listen into my calls but everyone else's calls as well. He also explains “telephone companies built surveillance features into the very core of their networks'' which if you ask me is very disturbing and creepy to say the least. One interestin

What I learned/found interesting from the my peers technology presentations

  Listening to each and every presentation about all the different types of technology that have been invented by humans throughout history, I heard a lot of interesting facts as well as many new ones which intrigued me. I found it pretty cool that the invention of the technologies discussed during the presentations ranged all the way from the BC era until the mid to late 2000s. While I enjoyed hearing about all of the different technologies' history and evolution, I was very intrigued by one technology in particular the Short messaging service (SMS) texting. The SMS texting intrigued me the most because it was my first time ever hearing about this type of technology. I found it very interesting to me that with the Short messaging service texting was first developed in 1984 but the first text was actually sent in 1992. It also surprised me to learn that the SMS texting let you only send messages to others that were a maximum of 160 characters in length. Another interesting thing th

Facebook Frontline Documentary

Image   I was very intrigued by the PBS frontline documentary “The Facebook Dilemma” because they talked about the history as well as the controversy of Facebook. Also, I learned a lot of new things from watching this documentary about facebook that I did not know. One new thing which I learned from the documentary, was that college students were the only intended users of Facebook from the start. Another thing that was entirely new to me was Facebook's early motto which was “move fast and break things” which I now think is pretty ironic considering all of the controversy that has been associated with facebook. I found it very interesting that Mark Zuckerberg's main drive behind the creation of Facebook was that he wanted to be able to connect the entire world together which he succeeded in doing albeit with a lot of controversy along the way. The events that happened in Cairo, Egypt in 2011, were the first time where people

Blog Post #7 - Innovation Technology

 Link:      On September 7, 1927 at his home in San Francisco, CA, Philo Taylor Farnsworth became the first person to ever successfully demonstrate an Electronic Television. Ever since that day televisions exploded in popularity with more than 1.7 billion households worldwide having a TV in 2019-2020, with over 120 million of those households being in the United States alone. The television caught on because it provided people with a different/new way for people to get updated on the latest news that was going on in the world as well as being entertained through watching shows or sporting events. Also, with the invention of the television people were able to watch live broadcasts of breaking news, sporting events and shows all from the comforts of their own homes. Throughout the early years of the television, many people did not own a television set in their homes because they were very expensive and were se

EOTO Project - Television

Links:      On September 7, 1927 at his home in San Francisco, CA, Philo Taylor Farnsworth became the first person to ever successfully demonstrate an Electronic Television. Farnsworth was a 21-year-old inventor who had lived without electricity in his house until the age of 14. In high school, he tried to come up with a system of how to create a system to help capture moving images in a form which could then be coded onto radio waves and then transformed back into a picture on a screen. However, the Electronic Television was not the first television prototype to be successfully demonstrated, the first was actually a mechanical television system by John Logie Baird in England and Charles Francis Jenkins in the United States in the early 1920s. Compared to the televisions that we ha

Eight Values of Free Expression

  Link: While each and every value of free expression is very important to us as Americans in their own unique way, I believe that the most important values to us Americans include Individual Self-Fulfillment, Participation in Self-Government and Check on Government Power. In my opinion, Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most important value of free expression because the first amendment which can be found in The Constitution protects every Americans right of freedom of speech. When I think of what it is like being an American citizen, the first thing that always comes to mind is our freedoms and liberty that The Constitution provides each and every citizen. We sometimes tend to forget just how lucky and fortunate we are to be living in a country that protects each and everyone of its citizens&

About Me

Hi, my name is Jack Neary! I am currently a freshman at High Point University majoring in Sports Media. I was born and raised in Shelton, Connecticut. When I am not in school studying and doing work for my classes you can find me outside playing a sport, inside watching sports or just hanging out with friends. After college I definitely want to work somewhere in the sports industry preferably as a professional sports broadcaster.

The Progressive Era Blog #4

 Links:  &      This was my first time ever exploring as well as hearing about the two websites   ANTIWAR.COM and American Conservative . I believe that one of the many reasons why I have never heard about these websites ever before is due to the graphic stories and news that are displayed on their websites. Another reason why I have never in my entire life heard about sites like these is because they oppose the unchecked powers of our government and business. I think that the writers on these sites who all have strong antiwar views are NEVER talked about in mainstream news because they talk about bad/corrupt events that happen within our government and around the world. It seems to me that the mainstream news does not want to talk about these people/sites because they do not want to talk about events or news that make our country look bad whether they are true or false. By not rep